Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Next Chapter in My Life

Yesterday I received word that I was accepted into the Masters of Theology program at Dallas Theological Seminary. I'll start classes in late August. I'm excited. I'm nervous. It has been a number of years since I was considered a student. All the study habits and tricks of college have faded in my memory. Over the next couple of years, I'll learn two new languages and volumes of historical trivia. And if I don't get in the way, I'll get to know God more intimately.

Reading the course descriptions actually got me excited today--probably a really good sign. Too many courses, too little time. I'm hoping to get started with 12 hours in the fall. With a newborn, that may prove overzealous, but Rayna and I both want to move quickly. So if we can, we're gonna stretch a bit. Rayna keeps reminding me of a slogan I had early in our marriage: "I can do anything for a season." I've stopped saying that lately probably because of some of the recent seasons.

Exciting times!


  1. You can do it! I hope to be there in time to help.


  2. Wow, Karl! Awesome! This is part of a larger plan, of that I am sure. May I inquire as to that plan my friend?
    It has been awhile since we talked but Teresa has kept me up on your life and happennings.I would like to talk to you about seminary,if you are so inclined for it is quite the epic journey.
    BTW Peyton is soooo cute and what an amazing story.

  3. AS I wrote in my application essay, I have repeatedly failed the Future Forecasting Skills and Aptitude Test. So I don't know where this road leads. I told to admissions team that seminary could be the next step to being a pastor of sorts, a teacher in Africa, or a writer (assuming God gives me something to write about). Feel free to give me a shout at my home number to chat more about it, or shoot me a time and number to call.
