Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Last from Sacred Parenting: A Reality Check

The truth is, only one out of ten billion of us will ever be remembered by history. There will always be the occasional Cleopatras and Napoleons recalled by later generations, but of the billions of people alive on the earth today, less than one-half of one percent will be remembered two hundred years from now. To organize your life around the off-chance that you'll be that one in ten million seems about as stupid as buying a lottery ticker and expecting to win... History is littered with kings and queens and even popes who now rate nothing more than an obscure footnote in obscure history books that nobody reads.

That's a humbling thought, isn't it? As I make preparations for seminary and think about where that road may lead, it gives me great pause. Too many preachers' kids are turned away from the love of Christ by the loss of one or more parents to vocational ministry.

"The cause is too great."

"They can't do it without me."

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."

All lines I can hear myself saying... All lines that betray deeper thoughts: My identity is in the work; I think I'm more important than I am; I can twist scripture, take it out of context and away from the great themes of the Bible, and manipulate it to justify my actions and desires.


Here's the truth: The kingdom's advance is a great cause, but so too is its advance in my family. The sovereign God is running the show, has been since the beginning, and will continue to do so long after I'm gone. And I need good counsel and friends asking hard questions about my time and my priorities.

Father, I so want Peyton to walk with you, to have a heart fully devoted like David. You are too good, too awesome, too loving for me to jeopardize her knowing you by succumbing to lesser desires. Show me how to work for your Kingdom is such an attractive, authentic way that she praises you all the more.